HOME 1960/1975           HOME

Roses are red / You and I // Mr. Lonely / I can't stop loving you

ESDF 1432   Columbia

1962   biem

Over the mountain (across the sea) / Over and over // Let's kiss and make up / Rain rain go away

ESDF 1482   Columbia


(merci à Jam)


There I've said it again / The girl with the bow in her hair // Blue velvet / Is there a place

ESRF 1467   Columbia

1963   biem

Mr. Lonely / My heart belongs to only you // Tell me why / Blue on blue

ESRF 1611   Columbia

1964   biem

Remembering / Tell me why

SCRF 773   Columbia

1964   biem

(merci à Yves M.)

Theme du film "Harlow" (lonely girl) / I'll walk alone // L-o-n-e-l-y / If I should lose your love

EP 9002   Epic

1965   chappell/biem

Speak softly love / Greenfields

8304 Epic

1972   sdrm

(thanks to Inoxydable)

My melody of love / I'll be loving you

2C004 95875   ABC

1974   sacem > pochettes 1960/1975